31 October 2012

It is 'BEE' time !

There a reward for every effort :)

dear readers,huhu, I don't know how to start it. You know, I'm in a holiday mood. I currently break for the midsem. Rasanya mcm UTHM je yang cuti. haha. kan ? Let it be. You know, I take this opportunity to update this blog as well because I'll never have sufficient of time when I come back to uni life.LOL. Macam lah busy sangat. Keje ade je yang tak siap. Eh ? Hold on! Everything is done ok. Semua kerja I siapkan.cehh. Actually memang busy lah ! Or maybe my weakness to 'shuffle' my time, always finish the job for the last minutes. HEHE ! It's habit ! or maybe or whatever....

From the post title pon dah tahu it's BEE. You know how a bee works ? Busy sangat. Tak tahu la. Mungkin pada mereka agak tak busy,but to me it is very struggle week since the beginning of October. Sebab banyak test !!! I thought the test will be held at a fix day, apparently not !! NOT  OK NOT!! Ha aku dah marah ni. Asyik postpone je. I prepared for it very well tahu tak? Don't they know that we have another test to sit ? Erghh. First subject is mathematics engineering that suppose on the...I'm not sure what date,but it is Friday afternoon.But suddenly change to the Friday night. It's ok because Madam told us early,but suddenly the date change again and again and.....AGAIN  to the next week on monday and this time no more changes. Alhamdulillah praise to Allah test maths passed already. For the next day is digital technique subject. Actually, subjek ni minggu lepas, tapi postpone jugak. Alhamdulillah done. winkwink ^^ .haha. Next is computer programming. Ya Allah, aku dah la lemah subjek ni. I don't know this is the killer subject to me. I don't have any basic about programming,coding and whatever. But I jawab jer. Hentam saja lah labu. huhu =( . Pass is pass. Tapi circuit analysis ni lagi satu hal. Asek postpone tak tahu bila nak test nya. Lastly, buat lepas midsem break. Ape lah . haishh.

Itu test punya story, now I want to express about assignment, report and ape-ape je la. Lepas test,timetable aku clash pulak dengan report C++. Ada quiz take home,then kene siapkan report. Dah lah aku tak faham macam mana nak buat. Sedihnya. Nak tanya yang pandai pon diorang berlagak tak nak tolong. Kesian kan aku.It's ok. I'll strive my best.huuu~ . You know what, Dr Afandi selalu bagi assignment, weird assignment. HAHA. No lah. I know, that is the way he teach. Because he has a lot of experiences kan. So ikut je. But i admit it, it is very stress bila buat assignment dia. Last assignment is we need to find the application that used logic gates in POWER SYSTEM. haih. I thought it was easy,but it's against my thought. Dah lah ada budak international yang agak annoying. Orang kata lain dia kata lain. Sabar je la. At last, our presentation very worse.hmm =( .

Btw, Alhamdulillah, Allah still give me the capability to live the life as a student. He still borrowed me hands, brain, feet to finish my work not to complain.huhu.ok. see you soon because suddenly i lost my mood to write. see ya .